Highly purified Silica Sand

High purity quartz sand: Quartz is a filler material widely used in Crucible manufacturing

Quartz Crucible

The solar cell is processed through the form of poly silicon, ingot and wafer.
The wafer is a thin plate of the cylindrical ingot sliced by a diamond wire saw.  
The ingot material is irregularly formed poly silicon which then should be liquidized by electrical heat at high temperature in the quartz Crucible.
The single crystal silicon rod called ‘seed’ is growing as long as 2m-high silicon cylinder on the rotating shaft.  
During the process highly purified quartz sand, the raw ingredient of the quartz Crucible is used.

1.Highly purified quartz for solar quartz melting pot(quality maintained on the level of UNIMIN-IOTA4 or IOTA CG) 2.Highly purified quartz for ingot(Seed rod for Optical fiber/Mask/blanks material) 3. Highly purified quartz for manufacturing refractories(Highly purified SiO2 for manufacturing refractories)

Major manufacturers

Quartz and product application