KTEC-HPCG - High Purity Quartz Sand

Cas No. 14808-60-7

KTEC-HPCG is manufactured in Korea.
Highly purified quartz : Quartz is a filler material widely used in Crucible manufacturing.
KTEC-HPCG is suitable for Czochralski crucibles for the photovoltaic industry and for large diameter quartz tubes and ingots.

1) Highly purified quartz for solar quartz Crucible.
quality maintained on the level of UNIMIN IOTA-CG or TQC NC4A.

2) High purified quartz for ingot.
Seed rod for Optical fiber Mask / blanks material

3) Highly purified quartz for solar quartz Crucible.
Highly purified SiO2 for manufacturing refractories

Chemical Content

Unit :ppm

Al Fe Na K Li Ca Cu Cr Ti
Maximum 15.0 0.6 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.03 0.03 1.5
Typical Value 13.3 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.02 0.02 1.2

Particle Size Distribution

Unit :㎛

D(0.1) D(0.5) D(0.9)
Limit ≥95 150-220 <350
Typical Value 119.9 210.6 310.4
KTEC-HPCGF - High Purity Quartz Sand

Cas No. 14808-60-7

KTEC-HPCGF is manufactured in Korea.
Highly purified quartz : Quartz is a filler material widely used in Crucible manufacturing.
KTEC-HPCGF is suitable for Czochralski crucibles for the photovoltaic industry and for large diameter quartz tubes and ingots.

1) Highly purified quartz for solar quartz Crucible.
quality maintained on the level of UNIMIN IOTA-CG or TQC NC4A.

2) High purified quartz for ingot.
Seed rod for Optical fiber Mask / blanks material

3) Highly purified quartz for solar quartz Crucible.
Highly purified SiO2 for manufacturing refractories

Chemical Content

Unit :ppm

Al Fe Na K Li Ca Cu Cr Ti
Maximum 15.0 0.6 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.03 0.03 1.5
Typical Value 13.1 0.2 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.01 0.01 1.2

Particle Size Distribution

Unit :㎛

D(0.1) D(0.5) D(0.9)
Limit ≥70 100-200 <250
Typical Value 90.5 145.8 203.4
KTEC-HPS - High Purity Quartz Sand

Cas No. 14808-60-7

KTEC-HPS is manufactured in Korea.
Highly purified quartz : Quartz is a filler material widely used in Crucible manufacturing.
KTEC-HPCG is suitable for Czochralski crucibles for the photovoltaic industry and for large diameter quartz tubes and ingots.

1) Highly purified quartz for solar quartz Crucible.
quality maintained on the level of UNIMIN IOTA-P or TQC Q4DH.

2) High purified quartz for ingot.
Seed rod for Optical fiber Mask / blanks material

3) Highly purified quartz for solar quartz Crucible.
Highly purified SiO2 for manufacturing refractories

Chemical Content

Unit :ppm

Al Fe Na K Li Ca Cu Cr Ti
Maximum 20.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.1 0.1 1.5
Typical Value 8.7 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.03 0.07 1.8

Particle Size Distribution

Unit :㎛

D(0.1) D(0.5) D(0.9)
Limit ≥95 170-320 <550
Typical Value 108.0 194.6 329.5
KTEC-HPSF - High Purity Quartz Sand

Cas No. 14808-60-7

KTEC-HPSF is manufactured in Korea.
Highly purified quartz : Quartz is a filler material widely used in Crucible manufacturing.

1) Highly purified quartz for solar quartz Crucible.
quality maintained on the level of UNIMIN IOTA-P or TQC Q4DH.

2) High purified quartz for ingot.
Seed rod for Optical fiber Mask / blanks material

3) Highly purified quartz for solar quartz Crucible.
Highly purified SiO2 for manufacturing refractories

Chemical Content

Unit :ppm

Al Fe Na K Li Ca Cu Cr Ti
Maximum 15.0 0.8 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 0.03 0.03 1.5
Typical Value 10.0 0.4 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.02 0.02 1.4

Particle Size Distribution

Unit :㎛

D(0.1) D(0.5) D(0.9)
Limit ≥70 100-200 <250
Typical Value 89.0 140.2 202.6